Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Critical Design Issues in the Contemporary World Essay

Critical Design Issues in the Contemporary World - Essay ExampleResearch has demarcated promoter to market products not merely as solutions to actual problems but as panaceas to human desire. Consumers are convinced through sizable marketing efforts to acquire received products to enhance their lifestyles. In this scenario the projecter must produce objects that seem aesthetically either appealing or appalling to grab the consumers attention. (Dorst and Dijkhuis 1995) Functionality in intention is fast receding. In comparison various deviseers from the past balanced both form and functionality. Architecture, film making, literature, performing arts all reflected an intertwined state of balance mingled with form and functionality that was often hard to decipher. Form has been encouraged in recent years in preference to functionality. A designer ought to be truly item-by-item of commercial influences to exploit their true creative potential. The dominance of the commercial influ ence on design has rendered design incapable of displaying more subtle tones of thought and reflection. approximately products today are designed with a consideration to use and throw away as desired. This in turn encourages the commercial design of products that are more or less disposable. It is debateable is consumers demands push such behaviour or if business tendencies to spur consumption spur such tendencies. However what is apparent is that design has been tainted largely with commercial influences that deliver modified its original precepts. Another competing influence on design strategies is economics. Economical design strategies have shot to the stalk front fol subalterning the eighties and the nineties when advances in manufacturing strategies meant that designs could be optimized further to save material and machine costs. (Simon 1996) Large scale manufacturing operations encourage designers to optimise both the use of material as well as to optimise the manufacturi ng techniques in use. Such a strategy ensures that the produced design is providing desired functionality at low costs to the manufacturer. This aids the business operation to maximise profitability by reducing base costs while keeping profit margins higher. Economic considerations have clearly impacted the length and breadth of the design industry whether the automobile industry is considered or whether fashion design is considered. The base contention is nearly forever the same to cut base costs through the optimised use of materials and processes. Often designers produce designs that are then optimised by engineers or other manufacturing experts to remove what could be considered essential design features such as curves, tricky surfaces and the like. This ensures that the design is simplified for manufacturing. (Faste 2001) Similarly clothing designs are modified too such as employ different pigments for achieving dimmer or otherwise different colours etc. Overall, economics se rve as a major influence on design methods and the affected design domain includes all forms and manners of designs. Large influences on design in the contemporary world stems from globalisation of cultures, societies, ideas and ultimately design influences. The alignment of various cultural influences has produced individuals that are well aware of local values and traditions just as they are well aware of design influences in another(prenominal) part of the world. For example, Japanese designs were known the world over for their subtle and precise character. The

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